New beginning

A new game with a new perception

Thursday, August 26, 2010

When he's EXETERIAN. Not anymore. Opsss!

He's Exeterian and I'm East-Anglian

Bloody Hands

For your information. ( Very Urgent )

If you see a guy (especially Indian) who rides a motorbike with a

bloody hand knocking on your window demanding you to stop and asking

for tissue paper to clean the blood when you are driving a car,

remember DO NOT stop the car at all. Even if he damages your car or

holds the side mirrors tightly, DO NOT stop the car but drive directly

to the nearest police station. This kind of criminal tactics have been

reported in about 40 cases in Seremban, K. Lumpur, Shah Alam, P.Jaya

and Klang Town police stations (actually around the whole country).

These guys are mainly Indian gangsters, They work in a group and dare to

commit this crime even in crowded areas where nobody will dare to stop

the car to help you. The main purpose of this dirty tactic is to rob

you and/ or even commit rape if you are female driver driving alone.

Please forward this message to the people you care about.

Dr Jeyashree Srinivasan

Island Hospital

Tel: +6012-4308125 +6012-4308125 +6012-4308125 +6012-4308125

Monday, August 23, 2010

Fat Fat :P

Look at this guy..... He's getting fat! Yakss! Hahahaha

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Forwarded from MAMA :) Funny

Citer 1

Suami : Kenapa Sayang menangis?
Isteri : Saya telah baca sebuah buku. Sad endinglah bang..
Suami : Buku apa?
Isteri : Buku bank abanglah..

Citer 2

Aderla sorang lelaki datang ke sebuah rumah untuk meminta
derma. Derma untuk rumah orang-orang tua. seorang budak pun membuka pintu.
budak : derma ape bang?
lelaki : derma untuk rumah orang-orang tua. adik ada apa-apa untuk
budak : nanti jap.saya ambilkan atuk saya.
lelaki : ?????

Citer 3

Tunang Farid, Siti, menelefonnya untuk memutuskan pertunangan mereka.
Farid : Mengapa?
Siti : Saya dah bosan ngan awak. saya dah ada teman baru. Sebelum tu
awak mesti kembalikan semua gambar saya.
Farid : Ok. Tapi saya tak ingatlah yang mana satu gambar awak, Nanti awak
pilihlah sendiri. Yang selebihnya kembalikan kepada saya.
Siti : Erkkkkkk........ Benci .........

Citer 4

3 org menaiki motor dan ditahan polis trafik. Namun pemandu motor
tersebut tidak berhenti. Katanya, 'Tak Muat Dah Tok, Kami dah bertiga!!!

Citer 5

Citer ni member aku yg beritau. Sampai nak pecah perut dibuatnya. It
happen at Jalan Loke Yew. Satu malam tu kawan pompuan ni la, dia baru
jer balik dari party, tak tahu how many glasses dia minum ler
tapi memang dia betul-betul mabuk. So masa on the way home she got blocked
from the police officer and asked for her driving license and so on but
at the same time tu, there was an accident happen a cross the road. Quite
major jugaklah accident and the policeman leave her and rushed to the
accident scene.So this stupid girl dah gabra tak tahu nak buat camne,
she just ran off back to her car and head straight back home in Klang.
So the next morning polis datang ketuk pintu rumah dia dan polis tu
Pompuan ni pulak jawab, "TAK KEMANA ENCIK. SAYA KAT RUMAH JER.
" So polis tu tanya lagi, "BETUL KER???"
So polis tu kata, "YE KER? (sambil tergelak) MARI SINI, KELUAR JAP"
Lepas tu polis tu tunjuk, "HA!!! ITU KETA SAPA TU??"
Pompuan tu macam nak pengsan sebab dia dah terbawak keta polis yg
malam tadi balik rumah, dia ingat keta dia sebab kaler sama warna
putih (wira) cuma keta dia takde sticker polis kat tepi pintu jer. Tak
pasal2 kena saman RM1000 dan gantung lesen 1 tahun.

Citer 6

Seorang Tok Batin baru membeli motorsikal Honda dan kebetulan pada
jalan pulang terserempak dengan kawanya yang ingin menumpang, lalu
ditumpangkan kawanya itu. Dalam perjalanan kawannya merasakan Tok Batin
hanya mengunakan gear 1 sahaja lalu bertanyalah kawanya itu,
Kawan Tok Batin : Kenapak kamu hanya pakai gear 1 sahaja.
Tok Batin : Kalau rosak 1 gear ada 2 lagi gear.
Kawan Tok Batin : ????????

Citer 7

Seorang posmen yang datang menghantar surat .
" Assalamualaikum "
" Walaikumsalam "
" Ni rumah encik Sameon ye?
" Ya saya"
" Poning kepala saya mencari alamat rumah encik ni "
" Buat susah aje encik nie! Apsal tak pos aje?"

Citer 8

Orang Asli Dan Polis
orang asli : selamat pagi tuan
polis : selamat pagi
polis : apa hal
orang asli : saya nak buat repot tuan
polis : fasal apa tu
orang asli : kawan saya di baham harimau
polis : pukul berapa
orang asli : dia tak pukul, terkam
polis : habis?
orang asli : tak habis, tinggal kepala

Citer 9

Seorang lelaki pergi ke klinik mata. Setelah matanya diperiksa, dia
bertanya: " Doktor, lepas pakai cermin mata nanti, boleh ke saya
membaca macam orang lain?" "Dah tentu, " jawab doktor. "Oh, gembiranya.
Dah lama saya buta huruf, akhirnya boleh juga saya membaca," kata lelaki
itu dengan riang.

Citer 10

Sebaik sahaja mengambil tempat duduk di ruang menunggu sebuah klinik,
Shan terpandang Amin sedang menangis teresak-esak. Dia segera mendekati
Amin. : Shan Kenapa menangis?
Amin : Saya datang untuk ujian darah.
Shan : Awak takut ke?
Amin : Bukan itu sebabnya. Semasa ujian darah dijalankan, mereka
telah terpotong jari saya.
(Mendengarkan penjelasan Amin, Shan menangis.)
Amin : Eh, kenapa pula awak menangis?
Shan : Saya datang untuk ujian air kencing...

Citer 11

Seorang atok membawa cucunya ke pejabat pos untuk menghantar surat .
Cucunya bertanya bila melihat atoknya memasukkan surat ke dalam tong
berwarna merah.
"Atok buat apa tu?".
"Atok bagi surat kat kawan atok,cu!" jawap atoknya.
Cucunya bertanya lagi, "Apa bangang sangat kawan atok
duduk dalam tong merah tu?"

Citer 12

Seorang pegawai polis masuk ke bilik mayat sebuah hospital untuk
menyiasat punca kematian tiga lelaki sekaligus.
Selepas memeriksa mayat-mayat itu, dia bertanya kepada penjaga bilik
Polis : Mengapa ketiga-tiga mayat tersenyum?
Penjaga : Lelaki pertama sedang bersanding, apabila tiba2 diserang strok.
Lelaki kedua pula khabarnya menang loteri dan mati serangan sakit jantung
manakala yg ketiga
disambar petir.
Polis : Hah! Kenapa disambar petir pun tersenyum?
Penjaga : Masa tu dia ingat orang sedang ambil gambarnya...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Random - Please, I'm sorry kay :p

2009 - 2010

2010 - 2013

Word of wisdom

I can't think of anywhere else in the United Kingdom I would rather live. The laid back outdoor lifestyle suits me down to the ground. I just know East-Anglia is fantastic, much-much beautiful than Exeter. How do I know? Well I have been there (Exeter) for almost 1 year. Haha no offence, I'm joking. I just hope the new place that I have chosen to be a great place to study, and play. Amin

Tuesday, August 10, 2010



Today is tiring, i had my backpain again after changing a punctured tyre. Mama said just wait for AAM to come but then i think it is going to take quite some time kan. So i took the initiative to changed it myself instead of waiting on the side way (ANAK MAMA YANG DEGIL). The funny thing is even after i finished changing the tyre, AAM staff are still on their way or maybe just get into their van (i assumed it to be that way)! They quoted they are amongst the best yet for a time being - NEHH! i dont think so!

"mama kata mama proud of you SON!" yes i think so mama :p:p


Monday, August 9, 2010


Its been a while tak update blog. Rasa happy pun ada if tak pegang laptop. If do, mesti akan ingat kat someone which i hope she ll revert back to me ASAP, tu hope je, tak tau pulak if she ll read this (intention : tak nak pointing to anyone) Hehe


Balik from Jakarta memang penat but it was fun! Lots of pictures taken while we were there + meet semua Indonesian cousins and auntie, uncle. Time's moving fast till tak perasan dah kena balik Malaysia (even after 3 days). The way they treated us, memang heaven, maybe cause ada atuk and nenek kot. Tah la. Haha! Apa pun I will update pictures soon iALLAH with his will as ada kat merata gambarnya, camera boleh pulak tertinggal so we depend much on mobile phones. Hmm. Anyway still mie nak wished



Haha this part memang tak ada comment sangat la cause memalukan when tak ada ribut taufan - mie and abang nik pergi join MEN's HEALTH BIG WALK 2010. Even am this fat kan I still managed to dealt with 12.3km marathon okay :p. Sangat proud dengan myself but keesokan harinya tu pun best. Whole body was like malfunction. Hehe! apa pun it was fun and alhamdulillah

Okay that's spiritual! Haha


The next day which is Sunday, Mama and Abah buat doa selamat sikit at nenek house. Tak tau la nak kata apa on this part. As long korang tau ada kenduri :P:P:P hehehe

Cuci The Musical 2

Went on the same day kenduri being held. Pulak tu NABIL especially makes me happy. Hebat gila & cool for his 1st attempt played theatre. Cool la nabil. and others pun apa kurangnya, semua kira old boys. With appearance of Afdlin, Awie and Hans lagi. But amongst all la kan still tak boleh bid Impak maksima punya theatre! Haish buat la lagi yang ni sure I will come (but make sure when mie kat Malaysia pls!)

Bahardin's Family Annual Gathering 2010

Sangat best yang ini. No one can ever bid this moment. This year turn my auntie which is acik, cool la with games but yang paling penting family gathered and have fun together :) ada la lompat guni bagai + my team which is team kuning MENANG! Hehe even team kami je yang tak ada substitute. Rotate je la 4 orang (makjang, ya and luqman) during outdoor games. Dapat GOLD medal! Haha buat team lain apa mie boleh kata is GOOD JOB guys! Youve done your best! :D Sampai malam pun still melalak dengan kak da,adik,ya,boy,iqa and aca - time macam ni memang susah nak dapatkan balik so we went melepak around PD till midnight. Bergelak and menyakat tu yang paling tak dapat dilupakan. Huhu and the next malam tu which is Sunday, we all went for steamboat at Nelayan, Titiwangsa. Gemuk hamba macam ni. Nasib baik RAMADHAN akan tiba. Harap ini peluang baru :p 2 3 4 5 attempt apa salahnya kan? As long as mie nak diet. Spirit spirit! Hahaha

10th August 2010

Haish penat kena buat medical check up at ampang puteri and need to meet the doctor pulak this Friday. Penat la macam ni! Lucky after this visas will be 3 years instead of 1 year during my foundation levels last year. Anyhow hopes thing will be good. AMIN

Tu je lah buat masa ni, nak pergi bank pulak then fetch mama. Macam biasa la, driver tak ber-GAJI. Hehe


Hope this is not the last RAMADHAN and forgive me if i did wrong. Lets start this month with forgiveness and changes. Deeds shall be consumed not to be wasted :)

SPECIAL wishes to my ADIK Nisha and "SHATRAH" and Suriana HANI and Mas. Hmm it will be long pulak, need to go. Hehe and SO ON je la....... :D if rasa important to you just add one okay. Haha


Thursday, July 15, 2010

FACEBOOK..... & 1000 Thanks to ???????


Where is my facebook?


Hehe! FB.... siapa tak kenal kan. But for a time being biarlah FB mie jadi just like that. Reason? Too many nak list out kan kat sini. Since mie jadi macam ni semuanya sakit (MEMORIES). Apa pun harap dikuatkan semangat ni dari menjadi lemah. Amin Amin YA ALLAH


Appreciation to.........???

Mie nak wish a big thanks to SHATRAH, SURIANA HANI, MAS, LOLA, and NISHA ++ others yang lately or mie can say almost everyday being helpful and accompany mie since that TRAGEDY. Yup korang the best! I meant it this time without any doubt. Furthermore who else yang sudi nak jadi teman mie ni, korang je lah. HUHU! Memang betul apa kata mama mie, FAMILY 1, dan SAHABAT 2. Lain tu (GF/BF) kalau yakin kita say YES if tak letak je as a NO. *To YOU soon or later mie hope its a YES FOREVER! :D AMIN! Its okay this is a LESSON along the journey of life. Bitter tu normal but iALLAH who knows 1 lucky day with HIS will jadi SWEET :D. AMIN

Tomorrow am going to JAKARTA, attend wedding cousin and later iALLAH mie update with pictures etc... HEHE its good to have a blog, I could say things that I want to say without limitation

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I am MALAYSIAN, How About You? :P

Am really really bored today, since tak ada apa nak buat so Mie geledah habis laptop and guess what, I found an old pict when me and some other Malaysian (ada 2 je, SARA and DIN) + Bruneian (Too many nak list out, hehe) went to STONEHENGE "says to be listed in 7 wonders of the world". Tak sure for that part. Hehe but Mie tahu 1 thing, ada Malaysia Flag okay! Huhu me bawak to UK and it makes me proud habis. That would be a big YES YES kenangan for me bila dah tua nanti. Uhuk Uhuk! Hahaha! *Thank you MAMA cause force Emie to bring along the flag and Exeterian's I miss you guys sangat :(

Bit of Heart, May You Realised This Is For You

I am a guy who cannot run doing mistakes,
I know it has been really hard for both of us,
A matter of fact I am hurt and dying,
There is no light appeared to struck our loves again,
Even with tears it wont give a change,
Loosing you is like loosing a day,
Thousand of years can never be replaced,
I took initiative to ensure the emotion of being "FUDDY DUDDY" is hidden,
My weaknesses should be compromising,
Faking with feelings is my new game,
Lies to a smile is my new hobby,
All I have to do is pretending and cheering,
Though deep inside I know I am lying,

You look stunning every minutes tickling,
Seconds is holding and hours is stopping,
I am hating you!
That is a lie.
I am missing you!
That is the truth.
Nothing much could I do,
As the journey is stopping me and you,
Praying and hoping to meet you again,
At the end of my last breathe,

Abu Bakar, Mohd Elmie Haiqal....

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Congratulation Kak Ain and Abang Syafiq



Alhamdulillah Kak Ain and Abang Syafiq selamat diijabkabul at asy-syakirin mosque nearby KLCC. So happy to see you guys! The most important thing is I was there as well! Huhu! Such a beautiful couple gets together with ALLAH SWT will. Kak Ain look gorgeous and Abang Syafiq jangan cakap la tengah scary nak berdepan dengan tok kadi tu kan. Huhu I can see from distance Abang Syafiq memang tengah menghafal something :p. Subhanallah that must be one of the scariest thing ever happened in his life. Apa pun semua nya works very well with one lafaz :) amin alhamdulillah.

Abang Syafiq & Kak Ain

This is what happen when Alod say "MENGAUM"


Later that night event on Kak Ain sides begin at Kg.Pengantin, Setapak. It was beautiful. Full with lights and many people started to crawl around 8++ pm.
Ada juga problem on me (nauzibullah) when the slides I was doing for Kak Ain wedding tak boleh nak burn to DVD and laptop pulak boleh joking and teasing around when out of sudden shut down just like that without my permission (derhaka ASUS ni!). Hehe! Dah tu tengah best having my dine + chatting with bella (sangat talkative dia ni,nanti orang upload pict dia) boleh pulak ABANG MC pakai mic look forward after me. Terus stop makan (poor my curry puff tak habis). Haha! Apa pun many thanks to ABANG MC and ABANG AZAM yang dapat solved the mystery after a continuous attempt :p:p

Newly weds having their "MAKAN BERADAB" eh orang panggil? Tah not so sure for this part. At least ada pict Abang Syafiq and Kak Ain kan :D


Haaaaaaa the best part buat masa ni is between Abang Li and Kak Wa. Ya ALLAH eventho just hardly knowing them but I can positively say like ages dah. Plus korang pun sweet couple habis. Bila lagi ni? Jangan lupa jemput please :((. Huhu!

Kak Wa & Abang Li

talk about Kak Wa ni ya ALLAH memang kita suka buat dosa je kan? Hehehe! Kak Wa ni really like anything related to flash and to make it easy cameras and videos. Huhu! Until that night sampai kena jadi Kak Ain best lady. Hehe tahu terkejut Kak Wa bila semua look forward Kak Wa jadi clamps Kak Ain. Its okay Kak Wa at least all or MOST of the pictures spots on you. And Abang Li you are awesome, cool je with everything. You are cool bruv


This time, at Abang Syafiq sides pulak. Location: De Palma Hotel, Ampang. Pictures blame Kak Wa cause upload semua sikit sikit. 1 thing I can spot from here is am getting fat. "mama kata tak apa jangan risau, awak balik UK nanti diet balik eh". Hehehe! From left: Abang Azam, Me, Engku, Kak Fiza, Kak Wa and last but not least Abang Li. Dah pulak Bella was not there, wish you were here as well Bella. Like Engku said, takut nak keluar. Huhuhuhu!

This is Late Izzat Anuar family member. Wish you were there amongst us in the picture. ALLAH SWT is loving you more bruv

IZZAT I deeply missing you brother


Izzat, you have gone for quite so long.
I pray that you will be fine wherever you are at the moment of time. Hope you are doing just good. I am not TATAPING you my brother (as its not a good thing to do) but this is all am capable of, sharing with friends and having you in my thoughts for an eternity.


Thank You SHA

Okay 1st of all I dont even remember I owned a blog! That is why am wishing a thousand thanks to SHA. Finally I can play with this thing and shows my talent on typing! Haha! SHA it is fun! tho I dont know what should and shouldt I say.
Well people do make mistakes kan and so do I.
Just let me say what I want to say eh, and let me fulfil things that I havent got before.
This would also be a good start to say SHA mana laa kamu ni? Bila nak balik?
I have tonnes to tell and only you will know about this. No one else shall be.
Aduhai mulaa crappy and SHA akan get bored sangat reading at this. Hehehe